My poor baby, last monday i had him at the doctors for his 12month immunisations and the doc checked his nappy rash that turned out to be a staph infection and got antiB's for it and into sposies so didn't want my gorgeous modern cloth nappies getting wrecked by the creams.
Hartley has been unsettled since but last night he got a rash nothing too bad but definately worth keepin an eye on and i thought it was a reaction to the yucky disposables and their chemicals, he woke this morning covered in this rash and welts and was sick all over me.
So off to hospital we went and got seen straight away turns out he's had an allergic reaction 80% sure its to the antiBs as dad, my brother and myself are allergic to penicillin.
These pictures were taken at 4pm after it had started looking better so imagine how worse it was!
Excuse the sideways pics :)
Aaaw, poor darling. hope he's better soon Kys! Austy had a reaction to ab's once, but it wasn't like that. Instead he was screaming in pain every ten minutes with nasty tummy cramps and all we could do was ride it out for two days after taking him off them. You sort of feel a bit cross at the dr and guilty yourself when something you've given them makes them react badly. Give him a cuddle for me, and sending hugs to you too.
Kys - hope that he improves quickly - I would have been terrified if I woke up and saw Miss A looking like that! Glad that they are on top of it!
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